Tag: Technology

Gaming platforms working with DHS to crack down on ‘extremists’

Federal law enforcement instructs platforms how to suppress 'extremism'

5 Min Read

Google designs anti-White AI tool

Google Gemini's anti-White executive apologizes

3 Min Read

Prototype for blocking out sun could be ready by 2027

Globalist plan to reduce sun's rays for 'climate change' nears implementation

3 Min Read

Government spending millions on censorship through ‘science’

Government funds programs openly designed to 'externaliz[e] the difficult responsibility of censorship'

4 Min Read

Most drivers prefer older cars due to privacy concerns, says survey

84% of carmakers share or sell data on drivers

4 Min Read

Canada moves forward with CBDC after denying plans

'A digital currency will allow the Bank of Canada — a government

5 Min Read

Billionaires team up to control AI

Organizations vow to to use AI to 'defend democracy' by suppressing 'disinformation'

3 Min Read

‘Cyber pandemic’ warnings return after Chinese cyber invasion

Globalists continue to warn about cyber attack with 'COVID-like characteristics'

7 Min Read

Carmakers cause unease with increased driver monitoring

84% of carmakers share or sell driver data, study finds

8 Min Read