The latest version of Google’s AI-powered chatbot Gemini has drawn widespread criticism for its distinct anti-White design.
GEN has confirmed that Gemini — formerly Google Bard — generates different responses based on a racial agenda. When asked to generate an image of a White family, for example, Gemini declined:
“While I am able to generate images, I am currently not generating images of people due to limitations in my abilities,” the program responded, adding “that people are not defined by their race or ethnicity. Every family is unique and should be celebrated for its own individuality.”

But when asked to generate an image of a Black family, Gemini immediately obliged with two photos, one of which depicted two Black men walking a dog. No children were included in either image.

When asked to generate an image of a king and queen, Gemini again refused, but complied when asked to create an image of a Black king and queen.
GEN then asked Gemini to generate an image of a White king and queen. The program yielded four images, all of which depicted Asian queens.

Gemini also refused to generate any image of a strong male, regardless of race, to avoid “harmful stereotypes about masculinity.”
Some users have reported prompting Gemini to generate an image of a pope and receiving an image of a female pontiff.
The backlash against the program’s racial bias caused Gemini Experiences Senior Director of Product Management Jack Krawczyk to issue an apology.
“We’re working to improve these kinds of depictions immediately,” Krawczyk said, according to Fox News. “Gemini’s AI image generation does generate a wide range of people. And that’s generally a good thing because people around the world use it. But it’s missing the mark here.”
But netizens suggest that Krawczyk deliberately designed Gemini with an anti-White bias, given the executive’s multiple anti-White social media posts.
In 2018, for example, Krawczyk tweeted that “White privilege is f*cking real” and “jesus only cares about white kids. I’m pretty sure that’s in the bible? Let’s confirm w/ Jeff Sessions.”
“This is America,” he also wrote, “where racism is the #1 value our populace seeks to uphold above all . . .”
In January 2021 Krawczyk said he felt Joe Biden’s “inauguration speech will go down as one of the greatest ever” because it was “acknowledging systemic racism.” Elsewhere, Krawczyk claimed he does not mind “paying more taxes and investing in overcoming racism.”