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Claim: CIA expected to interfere in 2024 election

Agency introduced ‘soft totalitarianism’ during Obama era, says former agent

Yudi Sherman

The CIA is expected to interfere in the 2024 general election and may have already begun, a former CIA employee said this month.

Georgetown University Professor Dr. John Gentry spent 12 years as an intelligence analyst for the CIA and has been warning about the agency’s political bias. 

Partisanship in the US intelligence community came to the fore in 2020 when 51 former intelligence officials signed a public letter falsely claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story was “Russian disinformation.” Signatories of the letter acknowledged last year that they knew the claim was false but signed the letter anyway to sway the election in Joe Biden’s favor.

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Now intelligence operatives are poised to again meddle in the presidential election with the aim of keeping Republicans out of the White House, says Gentry.

“I long have thought we are likely to again see former intelligence officers be politically active against Trump or whomever the Republican presidential candidate is next year, and I expect leaking to resume,” he told Fox News Digital. “The activities of ‘formers’ have resumed already, a bit before I expected.”

Gentry cited a recent joint article from former CIA official Marc Polymeropoulos and former FBI employee Asha Rangappa warning about the “dangers” of Donald Trump retaking the White House. Polymeropoulos was one of the signatories on the “Laptop 51” letter.

While Gentry says the CIA was not always driven by partisan politics, that changed under former President Barack Obama when the agency began to espouse the idea of “soft totalitarianism.”

“[E]ven in the Obama period, the analysis director had people who were beginning to talk about, quote, ‘soft totalitarianism,’” said Gentry. “That was a direct result of Brennan’s top-down, politically driven policies; the totalitarianism being a reminder of the Soviet Union and China and so on. Well, this has a number of effects in terms of performance and in terms of credibility.”

It was also during the Obama period that then-CIA Director John Brennan and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper began to introduce the totalitarian diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) ideology into the intelligence corps.

Due to the efforts of Brennan and his successors, agencies like the CIA have prioritized hiring more women and minorities and encouraged political activism. These intelligence bodies are now caught in a partisan chokehold which drives the agencies’ activities.

“There are a lot of people who are unhappy about it because it’s politicizing the workforce, and it’s dividing the workforce among people who believe in DEI policies and those who don’t,” Gentry said.

Following the manipulation of the 2020 election, American taxpayers have grown concerned that the government will attempt an encore. A Harvard-Harris survey conducted last year found 70% of voters are worried that US intelligence and law enforcement agencies will meddle in the elections and believe wide-ranging reform is needed to prevent this.

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