artificial intelligence

Billionaires team up to control AI

Organizations vow to to use AI to 'defend democracy' by suppressing 'disinformation'

Yudi Sherman

Globalist billionaires such as George Soros and Pierre Omidyar are collaborating with the Biden administration to ensure that the development of artificial intelligence (AI) is aligned with the “public interest.”

According to a November press release from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, “[T]he Open Society Foundations, along with nine other leading philanthropies, launched a new initiative to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) advances the public interest by promoting responsible use and innovation while mitigating harms.”

Open Society Foundations has joined forces with the Omidyar Network, Ford Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Democracy Fund, Heising-Simons Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Kapor Foundation, Mozilla Foundation, and the Wallace Global Fund.

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Under the guidance of Kamala Harris, the foundations are together contributing $200 million to ensure that AI technology aligns with globalist principles, such as “protecting democracy” by “defending elections” and suppressing “disinformation.”

“Philanthropies acting in this pillar are supporting initiatives to protect U.S. democracy from the potentially destabilizing effects of AI,” said the press release. “These efforts include defending free and fair elections while combating disinformation and the undermining of public trust. The philanthropies are also funding projects to develop inclusive, rights-respecting AI governance frameworks and to guard against harmful impacts to historically marginalized communities.”  

Omidyar Network has recently established a $30 million endowment, marking the first gift to the effort.

One additional objective of these organizations is to influence government legislation and policies regarding AI research, with the ultimate purpose of “to improve quality of life for people around the world”:

Projects include efforts to build policymakers’ understanding and use of AI and relevant technology to shape effective and equitable policy, and to redefine computer science education, research, and technology to center the needs, problems, and aspirations of all.

The groups additionally commit to holding AI businesses accountable for any instances of “racial, social, and economic bias” in their products. They also aim to ensure that these principles are integrated into a global framework endorsed by international entities:

The philanthropies aligned in this initiative are working with global partners to advance the development and implementation of responsible international AI governance and norms. Funded projects include development of policy frameworks, research that illuminates impacts of discrimination and bias, and advocacy efforts to ensure civil society has a seat at the table as international rules are developed. 

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