vaccine passport

Judge tosses out felony charges for fake vaccine passports

Court 'astonished to see' DA bring such charges when he 'routinely — nearly daily — move[s] to dismiss significantly more serious counts or entire indictments'

Yudi Sherman
  • A New York State Supreme Court judge not only tossed the charges but had sharp words for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg
  • Bragg, like other DAs funded by George Soros, is known for being soft on crime while harshly prosecuting opponents of the globalist agenda
  • Judge Brendan Lantry also noted that purchasing fake vaccine cards "is not among the most serious crimes in the New York Penal Law"

A New York judge last week threw out felony charges brought against taxpayers who bought fake vaccine passports during the pandemic.

The two taxpayers — identified only as J.O. and R.V. in the complaint  — were two among 16 other taxpayers prosecuted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for using fake vaccine cards. Fourteen of them pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor but J.O. and R.V. fought back with a motion to dismiss, forcing Bragg to contest the case.

J.O. was a struggling student in nursing school who needed to find a way to get around the school’s vaccine mandate. R.V., an electrician, was also under a mandate from his employer. Both purchased the fake cards from stripper Jasmine Clifford, though J.O. ultimately never used the card and ended up taking the first two injections anyway.

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New York State Supreme Court Justice Brandon T. Lantry not only tossed the charges but had sharp words for Bragg, who often refuses to prosecute violent perpetrators.

In his ruling, Judge Lantry said he “is astonished to see” Bragg bring felony charges against the defendants when the DA “routinely — nearly daily — move[s] to dismiss significantly more serious counts or entire indictments” even after the deadline for such motions.

“These motions submitted [by Bragg and his prosecutors] are made months or even years after the 45-day period has expired to dismiss . . . sexual assaults, drug sales, robbery, burglary, and other violent and non-violent serious felony offenses.”

The judge also noted that the felony of which the taxpayers were accused — Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument — “is not among the most serious crimes in the New York Penal Law, nor are the factual allegations against Defendants R.V. and J.O. particularly serious in nature.”

Bragg, who last year brought a 34-count felony indictment against President Donald Trump, is one of approximately 75 other district attorneys funded by billionaire George Soros. All those district attorneys are known not only for their strictly soft-on-crime policies but also for their zeal to harshly prosecute those who threaten globalist ideology. Together, they are responsible for 40% of America’s crime.

Last week, for example, Polk County District Attorney Kimberly Graham charged taxpayer Michael Cassidy with a hate crime after he beheaded a Satan statue prominently displayed in the Iowa State Capitol.

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